Vegas’ History

Historically, most of Southern Nevada was a marsh of abundant water and vegetation. Over many years, rivers that were present sank into the ground, and the marsh receded. The valley then developed into a landscape that supported wildlife.

Native Americans began living in Las Vegas approximately ten thousand years ago. Between 1829-1905, sixty men, lead by a Mexican known as Antonio Armijo established a trade route to Los Angeles. Between 1905-1926, water from wells was piped into the town, which was a reliable source of water. This source of water allowed Las Vegas to become a water shop for wagons, and later railroads.

Between 1930-1941, one of the first dams was built. This caused an increase in the population from 5000 to 25000 citizens, as people joined the workforce. It is at this time, that business owners and other people developed the first casino and incorporated adult entertainment, for the males who worked in the construction of the dam.

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